Narrative Essay Assignment Example


You now have a number of texts at your disposal! They are:

-A novel that you have read (Lucy, by Jamaica Kinkaid)
-Two articles that you have read, one dealing with Antigua as a vacation
-Locale, and the other dealing with an issue of your choice
-A summary that you have written of the article you selected
-An analysis of the article you selected
-A one-page close reading of Lucy, dealing with the issue your article involves
-A one-page personal narrative, dealing with the issue your article involves

Today in class, we worked on ways in which all of these texts might be brought together and combined to make one document. We’ll call this document a narrative essay. Your task is to continue the work that you began in class, to use all of these texts to create a single document that makes sense, and is interesting both to you and to your potential readers.

Take a look at the work you have done so far in piecing your writing together. What is missing to make it fit together and flow? Don’t worry about making this piece resemble a five-paragraph or argument-driven essay. It does not need to have an easily recognizable introduction or conclusion, for example. Instead, think about how your ideas progress and build on one another, and whether or not your essay will be exciting and thought provoking for someone else to read.

Your essay must:

-Be five pages long, double-spaced
-Be properly formatted according to MLA guidelines
-Include at least two quotations, properly cited in the text
-Include a Works Cited page that documents at least three sources, these being the novel Lucy, the article that I assigned on Antigua as a vacation
-Locale, and the article that you selected on the issue that interests you.


The Problem Model