Rauschenbusch Metro Ministries/Hell's Kitchen Farm Project


In collaboration with Metro Baptist Church and a network of partners, Rauschenbusch Metro Ministries provides direct and educational services that promote individual and community growth.  
RMM programs meet basic needs of the most vulnerable, provide youth and adults with educational opportunities that help them achieve their academic and personal goals, and foster a vibrant community life in its diverse New York City neighborhood.

The Hell's Kitchen Farm Project is an urban rooftop farm in Hell’s Kitchen, managed and run by volunteers. HKFP is the outgrowth of community discussions concerning nutritional security, especially scarcity of affordable fresh produce, in Hell’s Kitchen. Our mission is to create a more food secure urban community through collaborative farming, education, and community initiatives. We strive to do this by growing fresh food on a previously underutilized rooftop for distribution through a local food pantry, providing community nutritional education, and organizing a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. 



Phone: 212.594.4464

Email: volunteer@rmmnyc.org

Address: 410 W 40th Street, New York, NY 10018

Donate: Here

Volunteer: Here

Social Media: FacebookTwitterInstagram

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Osborne Association


Northwest Bronx Community & Clergy Coalition